Make him miss you love spell
You’re really into that special someone, but you don’t want to come on too strong. After all, men like to chase. And if you appear desperate and needy, you might just turn him off. But, he’s a good catch, and you don’t want to lose him either. So what do you do to get him interested or keep him interested? You can cast this make him miss you love spell.
How to make him miss you
Have you ever had a craving for junk food? You tell yourself
that you’re only going to eat a couple of chips, a handful of M&Ms, or just
a half of cup of ice-cream. The next thing you know, you’ve eaten the whole
bag, or gallon. Yikes! Why does this happen? Well, it happens because food, in particularly
junk food, is manufactured by scientist. The food isn’t made based on nutritional
value. Rather, the food is made based on how it smells and taste. So, the food
is loaded with sugars, artificial sweeteners, coloring, and preservatives. In a
nutshell, the food is designed to keep you eating more, more, and more…
How to give him space and make him miss you
Sugar is just as addicting, if not more so, than crack
cocaine. In fact, sugar releases the same feel good hormones that induces the
same euphoric state as being high. Of course, salt has the same effect on the
psyche and body as well. So, when you’re eating those salty chips, or sugary
candy bars, your mind is subconsciously creating a record of how the food
taste, smells, looks, and how it makes you feel.
Spell to make someone fall in love with you
So, whenever you see, or even smell potato chips, or
chocolate, your mind opens up that stored away file. Once the mind opens up
that file, that is stored in your subconscious mind, you will begin to remember
the sweetness and the sense of euphoria that the candy bar induced. This is the
reason why marketers prey on your emotions by relating them to a certain kind
of junk food. This is perhaps why; marketers are some of the best magicians in
the world.
How to make him miss you badly
The worst part about this, is that our minds have a hard
time resisting food? Why, because we are programmed to gorge ourselves. This is
a primal instinct that we’ve inherited from our ancestors who lived in a world
of scarcity. They didn’t know when they were going to eat again, so they
stuffed themselves with food. They didn’t have refrigerators or freezers, so
they stored all the excess food in their tummies.
Putting a love spell
on a man
So, what the hell does all this have to do with making him
miss you? Well, you have to make him want you as badly as you crave those
chocolate chip cookies. You have to make it so he can’t stop wanting you, like
how you can’t stop eating that pint of vanilla bean ice-cream. You have to tap
into his primal programming, where he feels like he needs to gorge himself with
your essence. This way, he won’t be turned off once he makes love to you. In
fact, making love will cause him to desire you even more.
How to make him miss you and want you back
I wrote about lust spells and the importance of sexual energy
in my other article, how to cast a lust spell to make you irresistible.
In that article, I wrote how we determine who we are going to mate with based
on vibrations and sound. Dogs, sniff each other’s butts because they’re trying
to discern if their furry friend is fertile for mating. You, are radiating at a
certain frequency, which in turns tells people if you’re open or close for mating.
Spell to attract a lover
This is why, you need to be able to understand your sexual
energy, because if you can manipulate it, and lift it to a high level, men
won’t be able to resist you. Why does this happen? It happens because it’s
primal. Men, instinctually want to mate with women who they believe are the
most fertile. This is the primary reason why men are attracted to younger women.
So, what do you have to do? You have to learn how to master your sexual energy.
Much like a scientist, designing junk food in a lab. You have to manipulate
your sexual energy in such a way that keeps him coming back for more, more, and
How to make a love potion
So how to make him miss you? Well, you have to start to work
with different oils and perfumes. These oils and perfumes are going to
stimulate the energies in your auric field. They are also going to help you
radiate strong sexual energy, that will make you irresistible. The best essential
oils to use include:
Ylang, Ylang
Clary Sage
Of course, a lot of people in magical practices call this
process, sweetening your aura. Relationship experts call this process, finding
the bliss point.
How to strengthen your aura
So now, here’s the important part. Now, that you’ve got your
sexual energy up. You will start to create records in your man’s mind. So,
whenever he sees your profile picture on Facebook, reads a tweet from you on
Twitter, or even see’s you driving your car, he’s going to be thinking about
you. Most importantly, when he thinks about you, his mind is going to trigger
all the emotions and the feeling of euphoria that are associated with you. So,
once you file this record in his brain, you only have to do subtle things to
trigger it. You will be able to think about him, and you will feel him missing
you. You can do a visualization sessions and feel him missing you, you can
light a candle and feel him missing you. The result, the man will chase you,
over and over again.
Erzulie oil
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